Don't stop reading just because of the clearly weighty subject that are likely to be confronted today!
Ziploc brand bags: what are they on about? Well? This is one of just a handful of areas in which, if you do not spend the big money, you will be sorry. What's that? You buy Glad bags because they are cheaper, but every time you need to store roast beef you curse yourself and your decision-making ability? You are not alone. Safeway sandwich bags are even worse. Inevitably you will try to open a bag fresh out of the refrigerator and the end will rip, leaving you 1/32 of an inch to grab on to. At that point, you might as well get a pair of scissors or call the fire department, because this test of skill will only show that there is not a single thing you have done up to this point in your life that will assist you.
In general, stores today thrive on the fact that, for the most part, you are too lazy to do things on your own. Cheerio to you, however, if you are one of the few that looks at something in a store and say, "I could make that." If you are one of those people, rest assured that, in the case of a survivor-scenario, you will be one of the few to make it to the end of the story (and you may get to try your hand at cannibalism!).
The cartoon "Marmaduke" is not currently funny, has not been at all funny in the past and, from the looks of things, will not be funny in the future. Sorry, Marm, but we can tell from the premise of the comic strip alone that you are a large dog that sometimes does things that are unexpected (but not funny) from a large dog. How many "Who's walking who?" jokes must we suffer through? I just get the impression that the author tells himself after each use of the joke, "They just didn't get it. I will wait a couple of months and try it again. This is comedy gold." But it is not comedy gold. It is more equatable to a metal like worm-eaten aluminum, where half of the aluminum is actually Bondo painted to look like worm-eaten aluminum.
I have found that, when driving, if somebody honks at me, I only respond the way they probably want me to if I have actually been doing something stupid. However, if they are just being a reprobate hound (meant in an extremely negative way), I am very unlikely to change my manner of driving for the better.
Does it make anyone else slightly woozy to scroll through the news feed on Facebook? I will let the punctuation and capitalization issues slide for now, but enough with the emoticons! If your writing is not expressive or cognitive enough to be able to express emotions without the use of a colon/semicolon (which would probably otherwise go their entire existences unused by certain individuals) or the parenthetical marks (to which I have a certain affinity), you should try to find an online networking system that uses only pictures and symbols. That way you won't even have to read! My final thought, on that same subject: The word "and" has a "d"! Include the "d"! Your ignorant updates are taken to new lows when you begin with "judy an me gone 2 th mol ushud com 2! <:-X}"
"Don't hate the player, hate the game."
-King Henry VIII, in regards to individuals player-hating and bringing their sass-mouth comments into his court. Not verified.
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