The Saints just recovered the onside kick to begin the second half. Neat.
And they just scored. The amount of time it took me between those last couple of sentences is a shame, but the game is riveting.
Of course you all know that The Who played the half time show. It seems like ever since Justin Timberlake pulled half of Janet Jackson's top (which contained a design, which, while impractical and surely uncomfortable to wear as a functional piece of clothing, worked pretty well as a single-bosom revealer) off, the half time entertainment has only been provided by individuals who haven't been regarded as sex symbols for the better part of the last century. It is much less likely that Tom Petty or his heartbreaking homies would flash a part of themselves than for Britney Spears to find it within her capacities to show more leg than the general public is comfortable with.
Now the Colts have scored. Again I am sad.
My mom is flying in this evening. Unfortunately for her, she is arriving in Portland during the game, so she is going to have to hang out for a little while. Sorry, mom, but this is why we try to plan our travel AROUND certain events.
Did you guys hear about that explosion in Connecticut? It was at a power plant. That's pretty weak. Five people confirmed dead, many more injured.
On more a more positive note, Obama is going to hold a bipartisan summit on health care. Hooray. I was wondering when he would call a summit. They are so effective, and really, I think we can all agree, a great way to spend money that we don't have. That's the thing about being in debt (as we assuredly are): we have negative money. That means if something is free, WE STILL CAN'T AFFORD IT. If something costs $0, that is in fact more than we have. So, just think about that. Or don't. Maybe we should have a summit to talk about it. I have an idea, let's invite people who have completely opposite opinions and no willingness to change!
But I digress.
Go Saints.
"Thruppence and sixpence every day, just to see my baby."
-Roger Daltrey, elderly harmonica-sporting friend of a guitar-disliker.
Freaking funny Ben!